For those of you who have taken and completed Disciple 1 and are contemplating continuing on to Disciple 2 we say, ”Congratulations!”. It has been said by many of your predecessors that “Disciple 2 is their reward for completing Disciple 1.”
The format is the same as in Disciple 1 and you will also notice a familiarity of the material covered. Disciple 2, also entitled, ”Into the Word, Into the World ” is a 32 week course and covers only 4 books of the Bible (versus 34 weeks and virtually the whole bible in D1). Here you will study Genesis, Exodus, Luke and Acts, each in an 8 week segment and each in greater detail.
In Genesis you will get a deeper look at the creation, Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob to Joseph. You’ll see how God works as He establishes His covenant people.
In Exodus, again you see God working as He frees His people from Egypt and slavery leading them eventually to the land of promise. You’ll notice along the way the character of God and ways of God as He deals with the nation as they learn a new and better way of living under God’s guidance.
In Luke you will see how Jesus establishes the New Covenant in His blood offering mankind redemption just as God, the Father, did with the nation of Israel in the Old Testament.
In the Book of Acts, you will study the work of the Holy Spirit spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ through the Apostles and ordinary disciples starting with Peter, John and Paul.
The key to Disciple 2 is as it is entitled Into the Word, Into the World. The Key is APPLICATION. Just as the 100+ ordinary people present in that room at Pentecost radically altered world history by the gospel they carried within their hearts and minds (with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, of course) you too can alter and impact your world with your faith in Jesus Christ. By expanding our Bible knowledge, we learn how Jesus wants us to live our lives, everyday at home, work and church. By applying the principles and teachings of God’s word, our lives are transformed by the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8) He desires to work in you and through you to impact this world for Him.
This, we pray, will be the result for you as you read and study with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and apply what you’ve learned to impact your world wherever you are.