MomCo ~ 2024-2025

(formerly MOPS)

Ministry Coordinator: Dawn Jeffers

MomCo Instagram:  TBD

Sharptown MomCo Group Page:  TBD

Sharptown MomCo FB Page: TBD

We are The Mom Community — MomCo for short
MomCo is a non-profit organization that encourages and equips moms of young children to realize their potential as mothers, women and leaders, in relationship with Jesus and in partnership with the local church. MomCo — then, simply known as MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers)—was founded in 1973 when seven women in Colorado invited moms to meet regularly to grow together as women, parents, and leaders, with the ultimate goal of reaching women with the hope of Jesus. Today, the small gathering they called MOPS now extends to 101+ countries, 25 languages, 72,000+ meetings a year and influences over a million moms annually.

MomCo exists for you. Being a mom is beautiful and hard and we get that sometimes you just need a safe space to breathe. A place to get some encouragement that what you are doing matters. We believe in the simple but revolutionary idea that remarkable things happen when moms come together. Whether you are a soon-to-be mom, first-time mom, or seventh-time mom, you are welcome here.

Meeting Times:  MomCo meets at Sharptown Church on alternate Tuesdays every month from September through May (see meeting dates below).  Meetings are from 9:30 – 11:00 a.m.  For childcare, please bring children to the nursery or classroom between 9:15-9:30 a.m.

Meeting Dates:

September 17January 7
October 1January 21
October 15February 4
October 29February 18
November 12March 4
November 26March 18
December 10April 1
December 24 – NO MEETINGApril 15
April 29
May 13
May 27


•  What is a MomCo meeting like?

A MomCo meeting includes food and fellowship, teaching time on issues relevant to moms and families today. i.e, motherhood, potty training, nutrition, financial planning, marriage, time management, small group discussion, a creative activity (some of the time) and quality childcare for your children.

•  What about the children? 

Your children will be cared for by a team of childcare workers.  Children ages birth-3 years are in two rooms (nursery area) and ages 4+ are in another.  Children ages 4+ are taught about God in a structured MOPPETS program.

•  Do I have to be a member of Sharptown Church to attend MomCo? 

NO, you do not have to attend Sharptown Church to attend MomCo…the only qualification is that you must be a mom of a preschooler (birth – kindergarten age) and please bring a friend!

•  How much does it cost? 

MomCo has you covered 365 days a year with exclusive mom content, a mom network and discounts. MomCo Membership is $37/year. Click HERE for details on what is included.

A small donation ($3.00) is asked per meeting to cover expenses such as craft supplies for the moms and children, as well as snacks for the children.

If you have any more questions about MomCo at Sharptown Church, please contact our ministry coordinator.

2024-25 MomCo Theme – WILD HOPE

Theme Verse:

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. ~ Isaiah 43:18-19