GodSquad – Winter 2023

Ministry Coordinator(s): Dawn Jeffers

God Squad Returns on 2/1/23 and meets each Wednesday through 3/8/23 (6 weeks).

6-8 pm @ Sharptown Church

All children 4 years old to 4th grade are welcome to attend.  Nursery (age 3 & younger) available ONLY for parent(s) helping out with GodSquad or staying for Small Group Bible study.

God Squad is our children’s midweek program. Drop off your kiddos for an evening of fun!  We have songs, games, crafts, mission projects and, of course, amazing Bible lessons.  You don’t want to miss out!

The Romans Road is a way of understanding why we as people need to be saved, and how we can accept Jesus as our Savior. It is called the Romans Road because all of the Scripture references are found in the book of Romans, Paul’s letter to the Roman church. In this series, kids will travel down the Romans Road – learning life-giving verses along the way – on a journey from sin and separation from God, to peace and eternal life with God. An X, or rather a cross, marks the spot for the greatest treasure anyone could ever find – eternal life with Jesus.  

 Register HERE for this new session.

Questions?  Email Dawn at dawn@sharptown.org or call the church office (856-769-4716).