Short-Term Missions

Ministry Coordinator: Kristen Raine

Every few weeks, a member of the church will speak in Sunday Worship about a dramatic experience that they had while participating in short-term missions. Sometimes, the speaker has a humorous story or two to share about their experience, but without exception, every person who has been on a trip will tell you that it changed their life forever.

Teams from our church regularly visit Guatemala and Jamaica, and take other service-oriented trips to Africa, South America, and Asia. Several trips were made to Louisiana following the devastation left by Hurricane Katrina.

A stated objective of our community is to reach out through the love of Christ to our town, county, nation, and world. If your heart beats for the world, please contact us about participating in this ministry.

Since September 2005, when the city of New Orleans was devastated by hurricanes and flooding, Sharptown Church has sent several teams to assist in the rebuilding efforts.